Source code for matrixutils.meshutils

import numpy as np

[docs]def meshTensor(value): """**meshTensor** takes a list of numbers and tuples that have the form:: mT = [ float, (cellSize, numCell), (cellSize, numCell, factor) ] For example, a time domain mesh code needs many time steps at one time:: [(1e-5, 30), (1e-4, 30), 1e-3] Means take 30 steps at 1e-5 and then 30 more at 1e-4, and then one step of 1e-3. Tensor meshes can also be created by increase factors:: [(10.0, 5, -1.3), (10.0, 50), (10.0, 5, 1.3)] When there is a third number in the tuple, it refers to the increase factor, if this number is negative this section of the tensor is flipped right-to-left. """ if type(value) is not list: raise Exception('meshTensor must be a list of scalars and tuples.') proposed = [] for v in value: if np.isscalar(v): proposed += [float(v)] elif type(v) is tuple and len(v) == 2: proposed += [float(v[0])]*int(v[1]) elif type(v) is tuple and len(v) == 3: start = float(v[0]) num = int(v[1]) factor = float(v[2]) pad = ((np.ones(num)*np.abs(factor))**(np.arange(num)+1))*start if factor < 0: pad = pad[::-1] proposed += pad.tolist() else: raise Exception('meshTensor must contain only scalars and len(2) or len(3) tuples.') return np.array(proposed)